Bride of Frankenbit: Making movies with microbit motors and code

Ah, we just love classic movie monsters.

The novel Frankenstein is considered the first Science Fiction story, so it’s a perfect target for a micro:bit twist.

What you’ll need:

  • A micro:bit, battery pack and micro USB cable, plus a suitable computer for programming.
  • 1 small servo motor (eg a SG90 3,3v servo)
  • 3 crocodile clip leads.
  • 3 breadboard jumper wires.

Our mini movie uses two servo motors to move the arms of our robot actor.

The cool thing here is that each arm is connected up to a separate micro:bit, so the ‘puppeteer’ for the scene attached micro:bits to his own arms. When he moved, so did the actor!

Read the full instructions on hooking up a project like this.

2017-07-20T21:39:19+00:00 July 10th, 2017|All Blogs, Jams, Product|