Micro:Wars-A New Code. Speech synthesis and sound.

Now this is is a micro:bit project (and a film reference) that can really speak for itself. Get it? Speak? We’re hilarious.

Doing the voices for our robot actors is a lot of fun but how about getting the micro:bit to talk? We can create retro-sounding computer speech easily.

What you’ll need:

  • A micro:bit, battery pack and micro USB cable, plus a suitable computer for programming.
  • 2 crocodile clip leads.
  • A piezo speaker or an audio amp or even an old pair of earphones (don’t use a good pair in case you wreck them).

Read the full instructions on hooking up a project like this.

2017-07-17T02:58:21+00:00 July 16th, 2017|All Blogs, Jams, Product|